In case you missed it, below is a summary of recent posts from CPW.  Please feel free to reach out if you are interested in additional information on any of the developments covered.

Van Buren Reviewed: The Potential Litigation Impact of SCOTUS’ Decision Narrowing CFAA’s Scope | Consumer Privacy World

What The Pennsylvania Consumer Data Privacy Act May Mean For Data Privacy Litigation In The State | Consumer Privacy World

Breaking: Colorado House Passes Colorado Privacy Act | Consumer Privacy World

Europe Update: New Standard Contractual Clauses for the Transfer of Personal Data Outside the EEA | Consumer Privacy World

Breaking: President Biden Issues Executive Order Protecting Americans’ Sensitive Data | Consumer Privacy World

Settlement Over Disclosure of Driver’s Information Receives Final Court Approval | Consumer Privacy World

Invitation to Complimentary Global Webinar: Technology in Enforcement–How Technology is Impacting the Investigation and Prosecution of Crime and Cybercriminals | Consumer Privacy World