Tomorrow, February 3 at 2 pm EST CPW’s Kristin Bryan will be sharing her experience as a data privacy and cybersecurity litigator at a virtual expert roundtable that can be accessed here: RTDS – Data Privacy, Cyber Security & GRC, USA – Feb 2022 | Events4sure While Kristin’s comments will focus on current trends and anticipated developments concerning litigation risks associated with services providers and vendors, other panelists will touch upon a variety of topics during the hour and a half long presentation. This will include, among other things:
How organizations can navigate potential data privacy risks and paths to compliance;
Data and privacy protection in the USA: the future and next steps;
How GRC solutions help companies meet CCPA & GDPR requirements;
Data privacy governance in the age of CCPA & GDPR; and
Aligning privacy approaches to ensure global compliance.
For more on this, stay tuned. CPW will be there to keep you in the loop.