According to the 2023 ACC CLO Survey, legal teams are facing unique and growing data-related challenges in this ever-changing regulatory and threat landscape. Data requirements for privacy and compliance continue to become more complex and confusing and the risk of resulting litigation continues to rise.

Join team SPB, in partnership with Exterro, in a lively luncheon that will explore key areas of risks and provide tools and tips to mitigate these risks and establish defensible compliance to help insulate your organization in the event of a privacy breach, regulatory action or litigation. This in-person CLE program will be held next Wednesday, November 8, from 12:00 to 2:00 pm MST (AZ) in SPB’s Phoenix, Arizona office.

Topics include:

  1. Insight into best practices for managing your company’s compliance, risks and data defensibility
  2. Data from the 2023 ACC CLO Survey, exploring how CLOs/GCs are shifting their focus to effectively managing these data-related challenges
  3. Important updates on how laws governing data are evolving


  1. Dan Christensen, Data Protection Officer, PrivaCyber, LLC
  2. Rebecca Perry, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Exterro
  3. Elizabeth Spencer Berthiaume, Data Privacy, Cybersecurity & Digital Assets Associate, Squire Patton Boggs

This program is approved or pending approval for 1.0 general credit hour of CLE in Arizona, California, New Jersey, New York, and Utah.

Registration is available here.