Partners Scott Warren (Tokyo/Shanghai) and Kristin Bryan (New York/Cleveland) will be presenting at the upcoming POLCYB ( hybrid conference (Vancouver and online) entitled “Thought Leadership on Managing Public Safety and Corporate Security in the AI-Driven Era”. The event is on November 21, 2023 from 8:00 to 3:30 pm (PST)/4:00 pm to 11:30 pm (GMT). This free conference will discuss how:

  • AI and technology are affecting law enforcement and government services both positively and negatively (speakers include global experts on the latest in cyber-threats across Canada, APAC/EMEA and the Ukraine)
  • The law is developing as to AI regulation and mechanisms for sharing data in investigations, along with the impact on companies dealing with cyber-attacks (presenters include the Council of Europe, Canadian Public Prosecutors and SPB’s Kristin and Scott)
  • Public-Private partnerships and community capacity-building can be essential steps (featuring UK and Canadian police, AML, gaming investigators, information sharing and supporters)

For more information, please see Society for the Policing of Cyberspace (POLCYB).  For registration, please contact Ms. Bessie Pang at and indicate you were notified by SPB.