Sasha Kiosse

Nineteen states have followed the lead of California and passed consumer privacy laws.  Three went into effect this year and eight will become effective in 2025.  The remainder become effective in 2026.  Charts at the end of this post track effective dates (see Table 1) and applicability thresholds (see Table 2).  While there are many similar aspects to these laws, they also diverge from each other in material ways, creating a compliance challenge for organizations. In addition, there are other privacy laws pertaining specifically to consumer health data,[1] laws specific to children’s and minors’ personal data and not part of a comprehensive consumer privacy law,[2] AI-specific laws,[3] or laws, including part of overall consumer privacy laws, regulating data brokers[4] that enterprises need to consider. 

A recent article published by the authors in Competition Policy International’s TechReg Chronical details the similarities and differences between the 20 state consumer privacy laws and a chart at the end of this post provides a quick reference comparison of these laws (see Table 3).Continue Reading Are You Ready for The Latest U.S. State Consumer Privacy Laws?

2024 was an active year for regulation of customer contracts with “negative option” features. Generally, a “negative option” provision in an offer to sell products or provide services means that a customer’s silence or failure to take action to reject the terms of the offer is deemed by the seller as the customer’s acceptance of the offer terms.

Earlier in 2024, three states updated laws related to negative option provisions in customer contracts (together, the 2024 State Autorenewal Laws)

  1. Utah enacted its Automatic Renewal Contracts Act on March 13, 2024, with an in-force date of January 1, 2025. (Utah ARCA)
  2. Virginia amended its consumer protection law related to automatic renewal and continuous service offers (which was effective on July 1, 2024) (Virginia AR Law).
  3. California amended its Automatic Purchase Renewals law on September 24, 2024 with the amendments in force on July 1, 2025 (California AR Law).

Then, on October 16, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued the final version of its “Rule Concerning Recurring Subscriptions and Other Negative Option Programs” (FTC Final Rule). (We previously covered the FTC’s notice of proposed rulemaking for negative options on Privacy World here.)  The Federal Register publication date for the FTC Final Rule is November 15, 2024. Whether the FTC Final Rule will survive the change in Administration is an open question, as discussed below.

Both the 2024 State Autorenewal Laws and FTC Final Rule include new or expanded obligations. When effective, the FTC Final Rule will preempt the 2024 State Autorenewal Laws (and the other similar state laws) to the extent they are “inconsistent” with its requirements. State laws that afford greater protection than the FTC Final Rule are not inconsistent with the FTC Final Rule. In other words, the FTC Final Rule sets a national “floor,” and states may add more consumer-protective obligations, as reflected in certain aspects of the 2024 State Autorenewal Laws described below.Continue Reading Cancel Culture: New Requirements for Automatic Renewal and Other Negative Option Offers

On October 30, 2023, The Biden Administration announced its Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (“AI EO”). Building on the White House’s Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, the AI EO created a framework allowing for innovation in artificial intelligence (“AI”) while setting standards and protections in the use and development of AI. You can read more about the AI EO, and other AI-related developments, here.Continue Reading 300 Days Since Biden’s AI Executive Order: What have Federal Agencies Accomplished and What is on the Horizon?

In a final push before adjourning for the summer, state legislators across the country contemplated consumer privacy laws.  Three legislatures made it to the finish line.  One – Minnesota’s state legislature passed the Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act on May 19th as part of an appropriations bill, which was signed by Minnesota’s governor on May 24th.  Of the other two, one is pending gubernatorial action, and the other was vetoed.

The Rhode Island Data Transparency and Privacy Protection Act (RI-DTPA) was passed by the state legislature on June 13th.  Before RI-DTPA becomes law, Governor McKee must either sign, take no action or veto it.  If signed, RI-DTPA is in force on January 1, 2026, like the Indiana Consumer Data Protection Act and Kentucky Consumer Data Privacy.

We are not, however, making assumptions about RI-DTPA’s passage.  This post was originally planned to cover the Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act and the Vermont Data Privacy Act, not the RI-DTPA.  On June 13th (the same day that RI-DTPA was passed), Vermont’s Governor Phil Scott vetoed the Vermont Data Privacy Act.  In his letter to Vermont’s General Assembly, Governor Scott noted that the Vermont Data Privacy Act created “big and expensive new burdens and competitive disadvantages for the small and mid-sized businesses Vermont communities rely on.”  He also noted that the private right of action is “a national outlier, and more hostile” than any other state privacy law, notwithstanding its limited scope and sunset.  He raised the possibility of a First Amendment challenge to the Age-Appropriate Design Code (Section 6), noting that “similar legislation in California has already been [preliminarily enjoined] for likely First Amendment violations.” (See here.)  A veto override was not successful.

The RI-DTPA already faces opposition from privacy advocacy organizations claiming that RI-DTPA is too weak (see, e.g., here).  Advertising associations also reportedly oppose RI-DTPA.  Nonetheless, we have highlighted some key elements of RI-DTPA in this post so you can decide for yourself, together with answers to FAQs about the Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act (MN-CDPA) and how it is similar to and different from the other state consumer privacy laws.Continue Reading Minnesota Makes 19: Will Rhode Island’s Privacy Law Replace Vermont’s Vetoed Privacy Law as #20?

Since its inception in 1998, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) has been the cornerstone of protecting the personal data of minors under the age of 13 in the United States. COPPA imposes various requirements, including parental consent, notice and transparency, and data minimization, among other things, on online services that are “directed to children [under 13]” and “mixed audience” online services, or those that have actual knowledge that they have collected personal data from a child [under 13] online.

Many organizations that previously did not have to worry about COPPA or COPPA-based standards as applied to state consumer privacy laws should be aware of the trend in state privacy legislation to expand restrictions and obligations beyond COPPA’s under age 13 standard, to minors that are at least 13 and under the age of 18 (“Teens”). This trend began in 2020 with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) requiring consent for “sale” of personal information of consumers at least age 13 but younger than 16 years of age  (the California Privacy Rights Act expanded that requirement to “sharing” as well). Consent must be given by the Teen or, if the consumer is under age 13, by the parent, using COPPA verification standards. Other relevant aspects regarding this trend, of which organizations should be aware, include:Continue Reading Trending: Teens’ Data Subject to Heightened Restrictions Under Ten (and Counting?) State Privacy Laws

1. Introduction

The Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law has been concluded by the Council of Europe (CoE) Committee on Artificial Intelligence on March 24, 2024, finally landing a decisive blow with a provisional agreement on the text of a treaty on artificial intelligence and human rights (Treaty).

This Treaty is the first of its kind and aims to establish basic rules to govern AI that safeguard human rights, democratic values and the rule of law among nations. As a CoE treaty, it is open for ratification by countries worldwide. It is worth noting that in this epic battlefield, apart from the CoE members in one corner of the global arena, on the opposite corner, representing various nations like the US, the UK, Canada and Japan, we have the observers, eyeing the proceedings, ready to pounce with their influence. Although lacking voting rights, their mere presence sends shockwaves through the negotiating ring, influencing the very essence of the Treaty.Continue Reading Heavyweight Fight, Did the US or EU KO the AI Treaty?

This week, House Committee on Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Chair Maria Cantwell (D-WA) unveiled their bipartisan, bicameral discussion draft of the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA draft).[1] Chair Rodgers’ and Chair Cantwell’s announcement of the APRA draft surprised many congressional observers after comprehensive privacy legislation stalled in 2022.Continue Reading April’s APRA: Could Draft Privacy Legislation Blossom into Law in 2024?

In 2023, we analyzed the laws in Arkansas, Texas and Utah that require age verification and parental consent before allowing minors to create accounts on social media and other interactive platforms.  A similar law – Secure Online Child Interaction And Age Limitation (SOCIAL) Act – was passed in Louisiana, which has an in-force date of July 1, 2024.  Ohio legislators also enacted the Parental Notification by Social Media Operators Act (Ohio Act).  All of these laws have requirements that are similar to the proposed federal law titled Kids Online Safety Act” (KOSA), which we explain in a companion post).Continue Reading Protecting Kids Online – Part II

Protection for minors online continues to top the list of U.S. regulatory and legislative priorities in 2024. So far in 2024, legislators in California introduced several bills focused on minors; Congress held hearings and advanced federal legislation protecting minors online; and constitutional challenges to 2023 state laws focused on minors’ social networking accounts advanced in the Courts. Congress and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are looking to update the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act and corresponding Rule, as detailed in another post. However, the proposals explained in this post extend far beyond online privacy concerns, and we believe more focus on minors’ online safety is on the way.Continue Reading Protecting Kids Online: Changes in California, Connecticut and Congress – Part I

The first month of 2024 brought two new state privacy laws. On January 18, the New Hampshire legislature passed the 15th US state consumer privacy law (notably, still subject to some procedural requirements and signature by Governor Chris Sununu before it is officially law). The New Hampshire law was passed a few days after New Jersey’s new consumer privacy law (Approved P.L.2023, c.266) was signed into law on January 16. 

Both new state consumer privacy laws follow the now-familiar format, offering consumer privacy rights and requiring role-based data processing agreements, but with a few notable differences. A more detailed comparison follows.Continue Reading New Jersey and New Hampshire Pass Consumer Privacy Laws – and 11 Other States Are Considering Similar Laws