Today, the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) remains one of the hottest areas of class action litigation. Despite the high volume of class action filings, however, many significant aspects of Illinois’s biometrics statute remain unsettled and uncertain. One of the most notable open-ended issues pertains to the applicability of BIPA to third-party vendors and service providers, such as the developers and manufacturers of biometrics technologies. To date, the majority of courts to analyze the issue have found that BIPA is squarely applicable to vendors and similar entities that do not directly interface with end users. David Oberly analyzes a recent decision—Johnson v. NCR Corp.—that continues the trend of courts finding in favor of broad BIPA liability exposure for third-party vendors, as well as the implications of the opinion, in this Biometric Update article: Lessons Learned From Recent BIPA Third-Party Vendor Decision.
SPB Senior Associate Analyzes the Wide Scope of Third-Party Vendor BIPA Class Action Liability Exposure in Biometric Update