The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) published a Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period and Additional Hearing Date on Friday, January 10, 2025, informing that the CPPA is extending the formal public comment period for the proposed updates to the California Consumer Privacy Act regulations regarding cybersecurity audits, risk assessments, automated decision-making technology (ADMT), and insurance companies to ensure all Californians, including those affected by the devastating wildfires in Southern California, have the opportunity to participate. More information regarding public comments and the new deadline can be found here.

The CPPA will also be hosting two public hearings to provide all interested parties an opportunity to present oral and written statements or arguments regarding the proposed regulations. The first session will be tomorrow, January 14, 2025. More information can be found here. The second session will be held on February 19, 2025, with more information regarding the date, time, and location to be published.

Otherwise, the substance of the proposed updates to the regulations did not change. Our team provided a summary of the key updates from the November 8th CPPA Board meeting, including regarding the proposed updates to the regulations, here.