Wetsontwerp tot oprichting van de Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit – Projet de loi portant creation d’Autorité de protection de données

On 23 August 2017, a draft bill establishing a Data Protection Authority (Wetsontwerp tot oprichting van de GegevensbeschermingsautoriteitProjet de loi portant creation d’Autorité de protection de données, “DPA Bill”) was introduced before the Belgian Parliament, as required by the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).   The DPA Bill aims to reform the existing Commission for the Protection of Privacy (“Privacy Commission”) and covers the data protection authority (“DPA”)’s structural organization and competences.  In addition to the DPA Bill, a second implementing bill covering the GDPR’s data processing principles and conditions is being prepared and will be introduced in the coming months.
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