In June, Thomson Reuters Practical Law published “Direct Marketing in the US: Overview,” a Practice Note co-authored by Alan L. Friel, Katy Spicer and Kyle R. Dull. In a direct marketing campaign, the sender communicates directly with a targeted consumer to sell goods or services. Businesses are increasingly transitioning to a direct-to-consumer advertising and sales model. The Practice Note highlights the data practices of direct marketers and flags key compliance issues to consider in this evolving business environment. Alan, Katy and Kyle provide a detailed summary of the data related legal issues for businesses to consider in the United States, including state consumer privacy laws, telemarketing, unfair and deceptive trade acts and practices (UDAP) and other key marketing laws, along with consumer recourse and regulatory enforcement implications.
Our team will be discussing these issues, as well as other issues faced by in-house counsel including privacy compliance, best practices in online marketing, obtaining consent and avoiding dark patterns, AI and automated decision making and profiling during the ANA Law 1-Day Conference (virtual and in-person in Los Angeles) on July 19, 2023. To attend for free, use the code LAWCODE when you register here.
To find out more about how you can comply with US consumer protection and privacy laws applicable to marketing, reach out to the authors or your usual contact at the firm for more information.