
CPW is proud to share with its readers that Global Data Review, a leading data law and regulation publication, has ranked Squire Patton Boggs among 25 Elite firms in its 2022 edition of the GDR 100.  GDR identifies and profiles the world’s leading law firms.  GDR notes that firms with the Elite designation in

To stay up to date on the newest developments in data privacy, security and innovation, be sure to register for Team CPW’s speaking engagements in December.  Details for the events next month are available below.

December 2: Association of Corporate Counsel Just In Time CLE December 2

Ann LaFrance, Kyle Fath and Kristin Bryan

CPW’s Elliot Golding will be speaking on an upcoming Washington Health Law Summit 2021 panel titled, “Data Roundup: Changes to Health Data Privacy, Security & Access Rules”. The program will address the myriad recent and upcoming developments impacting health data, including:

  • Information blocking/interoperability– CMS and ONC final rules on information blocking and interoperability.

In case you missed it, below is a summary of recent posts from CPW.  Please feel free to reach out if you are interested in additional information on any of the developments covered.

Multi-Million Dollar Settlement Reached in BIPA Litigation That Went Up to Seventh Circuit – Consumer Privacy World

Eleventh Circuits Orders Rehearing En

On Tuesday, November 23rd from 10:15-11 am EST CPW’s Elliot Golding will be moderating a panel regarding transatlantic health research challenges with industry experts from Microsoft (Geff Brown), Philips (Hans Hofstraat) and Novartis (Alexandre Entraygues).  The conference will have many other interesting sessions, including an all-star list of additional

Citing “multiple unreported ramsomware attacks” targeting the healthcare sector, last month the California Attorney General (CA AG) issued guidance reminding healthcare entities of their requirements under state and federal health data privacy laws to implement adequate security measures and comply with breach notification requirements. Although the document does not provide any “new” guidance, it signals

On June 1, Elliot Golding and other industry experts will co-present on the ABA Webinar: Got Data?: How the Health Data Rules are Changing. The program, organized by the American Bar Association (ABA) will address recent and upcoming developments impacting health data including, CMS and ONC final rules on information blocking and interoperability, HIPPA and

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently handed down a landmark decision criticizing and restricting how the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights’ (OCR) interprets HIPAA and OCR’s penalty authority. OCR brought an enforcement action against the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (M.D. Anderson) stemming from three alleged data

California Pop MapLast month California Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 713 into law, which more closely aligns CCPA to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and other laws governing scientific research. Although these changes may help ease compliance challenges for the health care and life sciences industries, the changes only exempt from the CCPA certain types of data rather than exempt health companies entirely.
Continue Reading CCPA Amended to Address HIPAA Exemption, Deidentified Data Rules